Word Learning Dynamic Assessment Protocol
The Word Learning Dynamic Assessment Protocol (WorLDAP) has been designed as a task for speech pathologists to support them to explore the word learning skills of school-aged children. We are conducting ongoing research projects to:
Pilot test the WorLDAP with children with diverse language skills and experiences;
Evaluate the acceptability of the WorLDAP for clinical implementation among speech pathologists.
Our aim to create a useful assessment tool that reflects the clinical needs of speech pathologists.
While we are conducting our research projects, we have made the WorLDAP and supporting resources freely available to download for clinical use.
You will find these resources stored on the PsyArXiv platform. You can download:
A manuscript which details the theoretical underpinnings of the WorLDAP’s development and a description of the methodology and intended use of this pilot version of the task;
The administration materials, including pilot record forms, that may be used in practice.
We welcome any feedback users may have on the practical application of the WorLDAP. Please provide your anonymised feedback using the Microsoft Forms link:https://forms.office.com/r/VkxZfLf9Mn
Please cite as:
Jackson, E., Leitão, S., Claessen, M., & Calder, S. (2024). The Word Learning Dynamic Assessment Protocol (WorLDAP). Language and Literacy in Young People, Perth, Australia. Https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/yfsgb