Grammar Elicitation Test
The Grammar Elicitation Test (GET) was initially designed as an experimental task to set goals and evaluate intervention outcomes in research studies targeting morphosyntax in children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). We are currently conducting a research project to:
Explore the development of grammatical production in typically developing children and children with DLD;
Develop a clinically useful grammatical production assessment for children in the early school years.
Our aim to create a useful screening and progress monitoring tool for speech pathologists and teachers in Australia, including a normative reference sample of Western Australian children.
While we are collecting data, we have made the tool and supporting information freely available for download for clinical use. You will find:
The Grammar Elicitation Test (including the task which is delivered via PowerPoint, instructions, and a scoresheet)
Training materials (including a training video and PDF of training video slides)
Additional information (including an Excel file summarising elicitation procedures and information on item selection, and literature which has reported on the use of the Grammar Elicitation Test)
We welcome any feedback users may have on the clinical application of the GET. Please provide your anonymised feedback using the Microsoft Forms link:
Please cite as:
Smith-Lock, K., Calder, S.D., Claessen, M., & Leitão, S. (2022). The Grammar Elicitation Test. Language and Literacy in Young People, Perth, Australia.